Self Reliance

If you are in an emergency situation, contact Oneida County Emergency Dispatch by calling 911.

For other immediate needs, you can contact your Elder's Quorum President for information on how to get the assistance you need.

There are also many Community Food & Shelter Resources to help with your specific needs:

Click here For more information on

Education & Employment

Employment Resources

Starting a Business.

Other Resources

A few thoughts...

For years we have been told to have the supplies, resources, and knowledge that we would need to get through difficult times.  In the past few years we have come to understand that value of this counsel on a whole new level! 

To be self reliant, we need to be sure our IMMEDIATE NEEDS are being met, we need to prayerfully consider our EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT situation, take care of our EMOTIONAL NEEDS, and be PREPARED for whatever may come.

We do not know exactly what challenges the future will bring. But we do know that "If [we] are prepared, [we] shall not fear."

This year, we strongly encourage each family in the Stake to create a Temporal Preparedness Plan.

Many people would like to create a Preparedness Plan, but do not know where to start.  We recommend you begin by reviving the Temporal Preparedness Guide - North American Central Area which will walk you through the first steps!

After that, if you still have questions, contact your ward Preparedness Specialist.