Seminary Registration

Dear Bishops and Parents of Seminary Age Youth;

Seminary registration for the next school year has begun and we would like to help the Bishops in our stake register all of their youth for seminary.  As part of this endeavor, we would like to invite you to continue to encourage your youth to work with their Bishop and use  This resource will not only be used for registration purposes but also referred to during youth interviews to track progress toward graduation.  

Here are the steps you required to log into MySeminary

1.    Go to

2.    Log in with your church account 

3.    Click on "Malad Stake" on the left side of your screen.

4.    Click on the Ward you work with.

5.    You should be able to see the progress your ward is making toward having their youth registered.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Laura deJong

Administrative Assistant

Malad ID Seminary
